Friday, March 2, 2012


Restriction endonucleases

-          Restriction enzymes which are able to cut double stranded DNA into fragments at specific sequences

-          Recognize 4 to 8 base pair sequences as the recognition site

-          Different enzymes would produce two different kinds of end, sticky and blunt ends

-          Enzymes cut sticky ends, such as EcoRI, are more useful tools for molecular biologist, because it can be easily joined to other sticky end fragments that produced by the same enzyme, for example sticky ends usually use to cut DNA fragments for cloning

-          SmaI and AluI cut blunt ends fragments, these enzymes usually use in body for protection of the original DNA from virus.

Gel electrophoresis

-          Separate DNA fragments according to size.

-          longer the fragment, slower the movement(migration)

-          DNA fragments are negative charges, the gel electrophoresis use this property to induce the fragments to move through the gel

-          after the process is complete, these fragments are made visible by staining the gel with ethidium bromide, the most commonly used stain.

-          It is also commonly to protein with polyacrylamide gels


-          Small circular pieces of double-stranded DNA molecules in bacteria

-          Carry genes that express protein able to confer antibiotic resistance

-          Protect bacteria by carrying genes for resistance to toxic heavy metals

-          can replicate independently as long as they have a favorable environment

-          really useful for cloning because after placed the gene fragment to sticky ends produced by the same enzyme, the foreign gene will permanently become part of the plasmid

-          replicate many copies of the recombinant DNA (copy of the original inserted gene)


-          introduction of foreign DNA into a bacteria cell, usually by a plasmid or virus

-          selective plating is a method of isolate the cells with recombinant DNA

-          will have expected pattern of bands of colony on the gel, whether it carry a recombinant DNA plasmid or not

-          calcium chloride method is the classical method of transforming cells

-          electroporators are also used nowadays

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