Saturday, February 11, 2012

Scientists' Great Contributions

Friedrich Miescher
Friedrich Miescher

Johannes Friedrich Miescher, a Swiss physician and biologist who was born on 13 August 1844 in Basel and died on 26 August 1895 in Davos, at the age of 51. He was known as the first researcher to isolate and identify nucleic acid.

Ewrin Chargaff
Ewrin Chargaff
Ewrin Chargaff
Erwin Chargaff was born in Czernowitz, August 11, 1905 and died in New York City, USA, June 20, 2002. He was an Austrian biochemist and later on he emigrated to the United States during the Nazi era. Chargaff had discovered two rules that helped lead to the discovery of the double helix structure of DNA.
1)   % of Adenine = % of Thymine 
      % of Cytosine = % of Guanine
2)   the composition of DNA varies from one species to another, in particular in the relative amounts of A, G, T, and C bases

James D. Watson & Francis Crick
        James D. Watson & Francis Crick
James D. Watson & Francis Crick

Francis Crick (8 June 1916 – 28 July 2004) and James Dewey Watson (6 April 1928- ). They are best known as the discoverers of the structure of DNA in 1953. They proposed the double helix structure of the DNA molecule.
James D. Watson & Francis Crick
Barbara McClintock
Barbara McClintock
Barbara McClintock
Birth: June 16, 1902 - September 2, 1992

Identity: American scientist work in a field of Cytogenetics

Nobel Prize: 1983 in Physiology or Medicine

Contributions: Barbara discovered that genes are able to change position on chromosomes during the reproduction of maize

J.Craig Venter

John Craig Venter
J.Craig Venter
Birth: October 14, 1946 – now

Identity: American biologist and entrepreneur

Contributions: Craig Venter was the first one who sequences the human genome; a report was published on Nature in 2008. And also, he created the first cell with a synthetic genome in 2010.

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